星期二, 五月 22, 2007


ムック(2000) Syouhu/Hai 娼婦/廃

ムック(2003) Ware, Arubeki Basho (Type A) 我、在ルベキ場所 (タイプA)



Anonymous 匿名 said...


4:42 下午  
Blogger Josu said...


ey, do you have any of their old releases?

7:32 下午  
Anonymous 匿名 said...

yup! :) they're totally worth collecting :) :)

these look so new (even has the plastic wrapping sticker)! did you order them online?

5:37 下午  
Blogger Josu said...

nop, they aren't new, they are second hand cds, though they are in extremely good conditions, they even were sealed!

and what is your mucc collection? do you have any demotapes?

9:29 下午  
Anonymous 匿名 said...


hij.. de p.

Tienes que contarme de donde lo has sacado cacho perro,


11:02 上午  
Anonymous 匿名 said...

that's a good deal then! :)

i've got aka, aika & aishuu demotapes, & because of them i had to buy a tape player! XD

7:36 下午  
Blogger Josu said...


and how did you get them? in any second hand store in japan?

4:05 下午  
Anonymous 匿名 said...

some on yahoo auction, some at closetchild in japan... yourself?

3:55 下午  
Blogger Josu said...

yeah, in yahoo auction there are a lot of hard-to-find mucc realeases...but sadly almost all the sellers don't ship abroard :(

As for me, i bought them in ebay

9:09 下午  


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