星期五, 九月 14, 2007

regalos de cumpleaños

bueno, ya tengo aqui los regalos de cumpleaños (anticipados)...supongo q seran las ultimas compras de mucc por un tiempo...

antique o antiiku o como se llame 1st press y 2nd press, aoban y akaban edicion normal y Fu wo Tataeru Uta edicion limitada

la pregunta es...q hace ese tornillo ahi?? scenic did your copy of antique come with a screw??

dvd de Karimero q para sopresa mia debe estar firmado por el grupo ¿?

y la maqueta y single Bandgirl Shoukogun de Jinkaku Radio

menudas pintas de Yuuki y Naoki XD

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Anonymous 匿名 said...

yup! antique 1st press comes with the screw... this proves that the boys indeed have a screw loose!!! XD

2:32 下午  
Blogger Josu said...

XDD and did your copy come with a mucc sticker? because i read somewhere that it came with some kind of mucc id sticker, but it seems that the japanese who owned my copy first, lost it :(

by the way, do you know what means what is written on the back of karimero's dvd cover?

3:10 下午  
Anonymous 匿名 said...

mine didn't come with a sticker... not that i can remember... i thought the id sticker came with the 1st press of 痛絶?

not sure what's written on the back of karimero's dvd cover... do you mean where all their signatures are?

5:09 下午  
Blogger Josu said...

hmm i dont know if with the 1st press of 痛絶 comes a sticker because i dont have it XD but when i downloaded long ago the 1st press of antique, along with the mp3s came this http://bp3.blogger.com/_TOCWJTY2cI8/RvE--W1rWAI/AAAAAAAAAiI/bn7rVP_Fg0M/s1600-h/00+-+MUCC+-+antiiku-1st+press-muccer+ID-swejp.jpg , but i cant assure if that sticker is from antique of from other release

as for the karimero thing, i mean under yukki's name in the second photo (also if you can tell me whose signature is each one it would be great XD)

5:33 下午  
Anonymous 匿名 said...

hmm... you got me curious, so i went searching for the answer... seems like both antique 1st press and tsuuzetsu 1st press had mucker ID stickers...

closetchild's item description of antique 1st press says there's an ID: http://closetchild-cd.ocnk.net/product/1457

as for tsuuzetsu 1st press, you can see it's mucker ID sticker here:
http://page11.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/n57377568 or

i can't remember which one i have... but i think the one i have came with the tsuuzetsu 1st press... anyway, the pattern on the sticker is very similar to aka demotape's insert design:

actually, i kinda miss all these stuff and hidden items or tracks that they used to have in their older CDs... it was also nice reading the sleeves to see what they wrote and who they thanked :)

6:06 下午  


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