星期二, 九月 04, 2007

Mis libros de Chino ^^

El 10 de octubre empiezo...你好 北方话 XD

y ahora unas rarezas que he podido conseguir ultimamente:

Live @ Roppongi, edicion especial vendida a traves de la pagina oficial del grupo de 15 canciones.
Homura Uta first press
MUCC live bootleg 3

Curioso el libreto de Shuuka en el q salen tanto Hiro como YUKKE

y este el genial libreto del Aishuu q es un puzzle.

Y pronto las dos ediciones del antique :)

Aqui la genial presentacion del dvd de Jinkaku Radio (es de terciopelo y dentro tiene un libro de fotos) y como regalo un libro de fotos y articulos escrito por Yuuki para una revista

Y de kalimero la first y second press de Local Memory y el single Aoi tori/Niji no machibito

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Anonymous 匿名 said...

Great additions to your CD collection! :):D!

You're learning Chinese? 加油!:)

6:09 下午  
Blogger Josu said...

yeah i'm completing little by little the discographies of my favourite japanese bands...and soon i'll get antique and the demotape of jinkaku radio :)

and yes, on october 10 i start the chinese course and i'm really looking forward to it! XD
but what have you written? because i dont know anything yet...i just wrote 你好 because is the first word of the book XD

8:34 下午  
Anonymous 匿名 said...

wow, jinkaku's demotape? that's cool! when i bought mucc's demotapes i had to specially go buy a tape player to listen to them cos i didn't have one anymore!

were these birthday presents for yourself (you're a virgo right?)?

anyway, 加油 literally means to "refuel" (加=add, 油=oil), but it's meant as a sort of an encouragement, like "go for it!" or "keep it up!"

6:14 下午  
Blogger Josu said...

wow, it must have been difficult find a tape player those days...fortunately i dont have that problem cause i still have a working walkman from the pre-mp3 era XD anyways i dont think i'll play too much those tapes, they are more a collecting good than anything else.

yep, you're right, i'm virgo, but these weren't birthday presents, were things i have bought during the summer thanks to some extra work i have done. My birthday presents are: antique, aoban, akaban from mucc and the DT and bandgirl shoukogun from jinkaku radio...a very musical summer XD

and thanks for the encouragements! :)

6:46 下午  
Blogger Javier Moreno Carnero said...

Hola, te dejo un lugar donde conseguir otra "rarezas", esta vez de chino: http://www.aprendechinohoy.com/libreria

Un saludo!

5:06 下午  


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