星期三, 二月 27, 2008


Bueno, ya se sabe algo más q la fecha del nuevo disco mucc, aqui esta el nombre y tracklist (aun no hay romanizacion)



1. Suion
2. Fukuro no Yurikago
3. Nurisubusunara Enji
4. Fuzz
5. Game
6. Flight -Album Version-
7. Anjelier *a Dutch word for 'carnation'*
8. Chiisana Mado
9. Semishigure
10. Shion
11. Sorawasure
12. Shiva *Hindu god,sometimes referred to as 'Shiva the destroyer'*
13. Libra -Album Version-

y el nuevo look del grupo

un poco la estetica de libra, pero exagerada...satochi esta irreconocible...

Hey scenic, it looks like they are going to include all the previous singles! now it looks like a "real" album to me XD
And the photo...SATOchi looks like a some kind of bully! He can play a yakuza in some Miike film XD

我的第一汉语考试-> 九十八/一白
我的第二汉语考试-> 九十/七一百

hmm, I'm not sure if it's written correctly XD

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Anonymous 匿名 said...

You mean the first test was 98/100 and the second test you scored 97/100, right? Wow, that's GREAT! Congrats! :D!

I'm quite amused by the new profile pics XD... Satochi definitely looks mean yeah! He looks like someone from a host club too! XD XD I almost couldn't recognize Tatsurou!!!

I'm getting excited about the album too~~~ Wonder what the sound for the album will be like... I'm also wondering what the 'Shiva' refers to... even though it is translated as 'Shiva' on their website, initially i thought it was the katakana for 'Shiver' since they share the same katakana spelling. And strictly speaking the Hindu god is 'Siva'. So anyway I'm confused... guess we'll find out more about each song when they do their interviews...

As for the US tour... it's been just 1 live so far, right?... and like forty-something more to go?? They have to hang in there... I am making a work trip to Paris next week, and i couldn't help but think back to the same month last year, when i was also in Paris but in a totally different mood at La Loco! :) How time flies!

6:43 下午  
Blogger Josu said...

yeah, though they were only written exams...the most difficult part of the chinese is the speaking, and on the final exam in April we will have speaking...but I have been training...a week a go I went to a shop run by chineses and started speaking chinese...their faces after watching a "lao wai" speaking chinese was priceless XDD

Tatsurous new look remind me a bit of "libra", maybe the sound of "Shion" goes in that direction, because these looks don't fit too much with songs like "flight" or "FUZZ", who knows! maybe they will play some new song in the US

As for the US tour...I'm reading a translation of their blog (by the way, Yukke is obsessed with mangoes XDD) and it looks like they got all their instruments lost! and they have had to buy new ones but I haven't found any setlist.

Yeah, this month last year was a great month!

have a nice flight

5:02 下午  
Anonymous 匿名 said...

gosh, i hadn't had time to check their blogs nor their homepage... i didn't know that their instruments got lost! i just checked the fanclub bbs, and many people expressed concern about the instruments, so yukke wrote to tell everyone not to worry about it.

did you see their english blogs in their myspace website? it's in unexpectedly good english! well... most of the entries anyway! did miya shave his head??

12:05 上午  
Anonymous 匿名 said...

Sato looks like Die from Ain't afraid to die
well I hope their new album will be great ;'] and I can't wait to have this

greetings from Poland
red_prophet (Last.fm)

1:24 下午  
Blogger Josu said...

Hi scenic!:

How you doing in France?

I hope they recover their instruments, because I love Yukke's sadowsky bass!

I didn't know they were posting in myspace! but...I don't think it is their english...maybe is written by their translator, because it's looks like a very good english or maybe they have been taking intesive classes before the tour XD!

I haven't see many photos of Miya...but one in which he appears with M. Shadows (Avenged Sevenfold vocalits, Miya must be fan of this band, because in some shows he wore a shirt of the band) he looked weird XD

Hi red_prophet!:

I think we all agree that Sato looks a bit strange XD and after seen this picture of him i dont know what to think about him XD http://ameblo.jp/public/image/displayimage.do?imagePath=/user_images/ff/3a/10051319102.jpg

by the way, do you have any news on seo taijis new album? It's been a long since his latest album :(

3:37 下午  
Anonymous 匿名 said...

josu, about the photo: ...holly...JESUS!!!!! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I said that before that all MUCC boys look like they are "fresh-from-tree" but this pic...this is too much for me _^_

and Seo, uhm, you know, I think he got merried and have child (more than one...?) so he doesn't have time to realising new albums or just give interview... Maybe we should wait more time.

4:46 下午  
Anonymous 匿名 said...

besides... Heff had to come back America. they don't have a drummer, maybe Seo waits for Heff, when he'll come back to them ;]

10:06 上午  
Blogger Josu said...

hmm I had no idea that he got married...Hope he comes back to work soon XD

As for Heff...I have always wondered what he was doing in the band, because it's a bit strange that Seo Taiji can't find a korean drummer...besides I guess that Taiji must be good at english, because on all the videos I have seen it seems that Heff only knows one or two words in korean XD

6:20 下午  
Anonymous 匿名 said...

Seo was living in the USA for 2 years so he knows English very well. And Heff... maybe they just meet each other in USA and were friends and Seo suggested him to play in his band...? I think it was like that.

6:55 下午  
Anonymous 匿名 said...

hi! i'm back from france... it was a good trip! it's funny, coming from a hot country like singapore i prefer cold weather, but my friends staying in temperate countries are envious of the sunny weather in singapore! maybe it's just a case of the grass being greener on the other side :)

anyway, i saw some videos of mucc's TOC performances on youtube. they looked and sounded good! and the response to their performance seemed to be quite good too!

3:43 下午  
Anonymous 匿名 said...

jetlagged at 5am... not pretty. XO

anyway, countdown 14 days to the new album... it better be good!

11:35 下午  
Anonymous 匿名 said...

hey new album is spine-tingling GOOD isn't it! =)

4:52 下午  
Blogger Jean Paul said...

Congratulations Josu!
what an amazing blog.

está de puta madre, con información muy difícil de encontrar por ahí. Lo he encontrado hoy a la mañana, me ha encantado lo freaky que eres.
lo siento tio, le he enviado el enlace a nuestra amiga zhü, y lo se...quizás te empiece a colgar posts con curiosidades intimas tuyas...
No era consciente del todo cuando lo he hecho, dui bu qi.
Dui bu qi.
Dui bu qi.

Zai jian.

1:57 下午  
Anonymous 匿名 said...

Heyyyyy JOSUUUU`S!!
BLOODY Samuraiiii!!
Menudo descubriemiento que ha hecho Yang!

No te preocupes joven caballero...me comportaré como una señorita...
Nada de INFORMATION íntima ABOUT tus planes de MASSACRING UNIVERSITIES enteras, tus juegos WITH SHARPING OBJECTS...(SSSHH!)THIS blog ya IS maravillosamente freaky gracias a ti.

No, aHora en serIo, me haS encantado! WONDERFUL!Gracias por mostrar tus rarezas al ciberespacio!
La información sobre las pelis es genial, hablas sobre Murakami, clases de chino gratis... Menudo WORK!
Qué mas se puede pedir?(no me lo preguntes...)

Nos vemos pronto. Un muxu enorme...Pa!


2:38 下午  


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